Smiffys has signed a new licensing agreement with Dr. Seuss Enterprises to create an officia
Rubies has hit its target to donate 100,000 costumes to underprivileged children in partnership w
A donation by Smiffys to Lincolnshire Libraries World Book Day Costume Swap and Create proj
With under two weeks to go until World Book Day (6 March, 2025), dress
2024 has been a challenging year for many in the party industry and will lik
Dominique Peckett, director of Smiffys, shares how Halloween 2024 went for the company.
Progressive Party finds out what the expectations are for this year’s event and what
RH Smith & Sons (Smiffys) officially appointed administrators PricewaterhouseCoopers on 3 July 2024.
Joel Weinshanker will have full oversight of the global business expansion of Smiffys