Safety report backs up call for Saturday Halloween

A US safety report has backed up the Halloween and Costume Association’s campaign calling on the industry and general public to move Halloween celebrations, including trick or treating, to the last Saturday in October.

The report – issued by – has taken 24 years’ worth of data to understand how the number of fatal traffic accidents involving pedestrians and children occurring after 4pm are affected when Halloween falls on a weekend compared to a weeknight.

The report found that permanently changing Halloween to a Saturday would make the holiday a lot safer as week night Halloweens see a 83% spike in fatal car accidents involving children and a there’s a 55% increase in pedestrian fatal crashes in general.

Saturday Halloween celebrations are safer; with an average fatal crash increase of 27% compared to 52% when the celebrations fell on a Friday – when there are approximately three times the expected number of fatal traffic accidents involving children.

“Our recent Halloween Safety Study found weekdays are more dangerous for trick or treaters than weekends,” said Josh Barnes, marketing manager. “We support the practise of moving Halloween celebrations to the last Saturday in October.”

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