National Costumers Association

It’s More Fun In Costume!

The National Costumers Association was organized on August 24, 1923, bringing together a small group of costumers dedicated to upgrading and promoting the costume industry. Through the years both the association and the industry have grown in size and scope.

Our History

We have been together for over 80 years, supporting the costuming industry all over the nation!

Our Mission

The National Costumers Association is a professional organization promoting the artistic, historical, educational, and social nature of costuming,  encouraging ethical business standards.

Our Events

In addition to social and regional events, The NCA hosts an semi-annual costume convention. Every other year the convention is hosted by a new city. Some of the past convention sites have been: Nashville, Charlotte, Denver, Las Vegas, San Jose, Indianapolis, and Louisville to name a few.

* For more information or to join the NCA, visit

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