An Irish festival has cancelled its annual balloon race following environmental concerns raised by Friends of the Irish Environment (FiE).
Environmentalists and campaigners have welcomed the decision of the Rooskey Heritage Festival organisers to cancel the balloon race which was planned to take place in County Roscommon at the end of July.
The committee decided to cancel the race ‘due to the potential impact on the environment and wildlife’, after receiving a letter from the Friends of the Irish Environment [FiE].
The letter from the Cork-based environmental group points to the negative environmental consequences of balloon releases, which have already been banned in several US States, Australia, and 62 local authorities in the UK (including four in Northern Ireland).
Critics of balloon releases – including big balloon industry names EBPC, BAPIA and Pioneer Europe – point out that they create litter in the environment which can potentially cause problems for animals and other wildlife.
Codes of practise issued by industry organisations BAPIA and EBPC also recommend their own versions of the ‘pin it and bin it’ approach to responsible balloon disposal.