The European Balloon and Party Council (EBPC ) has issued a plea to all members to take action this weekend as part of its ongoing campaign against the European Commission’s proposed directive on Single Use Plastics (SUP).
The call has been issued following on from the disappointing news that, despite the ongoing campaign to remove balloons and balloon sticks from the EU directive on Single-Use Plastic, the ENVI committee has not considered any of the EBPC’s suggested amendments for either supporting a removal or any compromises for consideration at Parliament Plenary voting.
This means the EBP has had to work with critical members of Parliament to submit group amendments. These require a majority of 760 MEP’s support (around 400 votes). When a group amendment is submitted, the whole party tends to vote in favour of the group recommendation.
The EBPC has been rallying support this week and a debate will take place on Monday 22 October in Strasbourg, with the final Plenary vote for Parliament taking place the following day (Tuesday 23 October).
The EBPC is asking all members to contact as many MEPs as possible before the debate take place on Monday morning to help gain a favourable voting position on these key amendments.
An email has been sent out to all members, including a template and further guidance. Please get in touch with the EBPC team if you have not received yours.