Gemar Ambassador, Gergö Csatai has recreated a childhood TV character, Dr Bubó, to encourage people to get the COVID vaccination.
Those growing up in Hungary in the 70s and 80s will be familiar with Dr Bubó, an owl who ran his doctor’s surgery from a hollow oak tree and treated woodland creatures with the help of Nurse Ursula.
Gergö chose the much-loved character to spread the word about vaccinations. He used around 400 balloons working on the costume, which took eight hours to create. He streamed the last three hours of the build on Facebook and an astonishing 4,000 people tuned in to watch.
In Szeged, the public were then greeted by Gergö wearing the costume around the streets as a 2.5m character. Dr Bubó bought many smiles to the public and was picked up by the local newspapers.
Gergö commented: “My undisguised goal in choosing the character was for people to vote with confidence in medicine and take the opportunity to get vaccinated, as this is our only chance that this will end once and for all.”